Freedom of Information at the UCO

The UCO is committed to a culture of openness across the public sector and, in order to ensure that it continues to function successfully and maintains the confidence of its stakeholders, the UCO is committed to complying with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) so that its information is managed lawfully and appropriately.

The FIA gives the public a general right of access to the recorded information held by all UK public authorities (which includes the UCO) and is designed to promote openness across the public sector. Similar rights regarding information about the environment are contained in the EIR.

The UCO's Publication Scheme

In line with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) (the UK's regulator for FIA and EIR requests) the UCO operates a Publication Scheme that consists of a guide to information describing the information we routinely make available to the public and how you can access this. The UCO has adopted the Model Publication Scheme for the public sector issued by the ICO which describes:

  • Our commitment to proactively publish certain classes of information.
  • The information that we make routinely available.
  • How we make this information available and in what format.
  • Whether any and what fees may be charged for the information.

You are recommended to consult our Publication Scheme prior to sending us a request for information as you may find the information you are looking for there.

The UCO's Disclosure Log

In line with the ICO’s Model Publication Scheme the UCO maintains a Disclosure Log as a record of FIA and EIR requests received and the information we have provided in response to these. Our Disclosure Log is updated each time a new request for information has been responded to and is reviewed by our Senior Management Team monthly.

Our Disclosure Log is available on request through our Publication Scheme.

The UCO's Freedom of Information Policy

In addition to our Publication Scheme the UCO also operates a Freedom of Information Policy describing how the UCO handles information requests under the FIA and EIR and the related appeals process that you may use if are not satisfied with the outcome of your information request.

Freedom of Information Guidance for Requesters

To assist you with making a request for information held by the UCO we have produced a Guidance for Requesters document to refer to. This guidance provides you with information about who to contact to make a request, how you can make a request, what happens to your request and whether you may be charged a fee for the information.

The easiest way for you to make a request for information is to complete the form below stating clearly the information you require.