Create Your Legacy

Remembering the UCO by leaving a gift in your Will, no matter the amount, can help us deliver osteopathic healthcare to patients in need and train future generations of osteopaths.

One of the very best ways to support the UCO is by remembering us in your Will. If you would like to talk to us about leaving a legacy to the UCO, do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss it in complete confidence.

Why should I make a Will?

Preparing a Will can give you peace of mind and it's easier than you might think. Without a Will, the law decides “who gets what” and as a result, your loved ones or your favourite charities may be left out.

Your Will can protect your wishes. Inheritance Tax may be charged on your estate, however careful planning you can reduce this burden. You can use your Will to support your favourite charities. All charitable gifts are free of Inheritance Tax.

Are there tax benefits?

Gifts to charities are normally exempt from Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax, so the full value of your gift will directly help the UCO.

Why include the UCO in your Will?

Anyone can leave a legacy gift, even a small amount goes a long way towards furthering osteopathic education, treatment, and research. We recently received a legacy gift from Margaret Walker who left a statement that this gift was “for the training of osteopaths from one who has personally greatly appreciated their treatment over her lifetime”.

The UCO Clinic delivers subsidised, affordable osteopathic healthcare to patients through its main clinical site. We also run several specialist clinics, which offer treatment completely free of charge to children, homeless people, elderly people, and people living with HIV.

We also endorse the view that higher education should be accessible to all, regardless of background or financial status. We are committed to widening participation from learners who are currently under-represented in higher education, and to removing barriers to student success.

Our alumni and friends are an important part of the UCO community and it is support like yours that has helped the UCO become the largest osteopathic educational institution in the UK.

How do I make a Will?

1. Use a Will Writing Service

The UCO is a member of Remember A Charity, so our supporters are entitled to a 20% discount when creating their Will with Co-op Legal Services, all year round.

Prices start from only £99 + VAT (£118.80) for a standard single Will and no code is required if you use this link.

2. Visit your solicitor

When making your Will, it is always recommended that you consult a qualified solicitor or member of the Institute of Professional Willwriters. Generally, making a Will costs between £100 and £200 for an individual Will, and £150 to £300 for a mirror Will, identical wills where one person in a couple leaves their estate to the other in the event of their passing away. Wills are complex, legally binding documents so it is essential to get the wording accurate, this way the gifts you leave can be given to the correct people and/or organisations without delay.

When you meet with a solicitor or Will writer, it's worth having some things prepared:

  • Create a list of everything you own and any debts you might have, such as unsettled loans. This will help you and your solicitor work out the value of your estate (the total value of all your money, property, and possessions).
  • Decide on what gifts you want to leave, and to whom.
  • Select the executor of your estate. This typically is a friend or family member you trust to carry out your wishes, or a professional like your solicitor or accountant.
  • Doing this preparation will allow your solicitor to advise you on any Inheritance Tax liability on the gifts in your Will.

What are the different types of Legacy Gifts?

There are several ways to leave a legacy. It could be a gift of money, a percentage of your estate, or specific items you own. If you already have a Will, you can amend your wishes by a simple revision, known as a codicil. Leaving even a small amount of your estate is one of the best ways to help the UCO.

There are different types of gifts you can leave in your Will. The most common are:

  • Residuary legacy: A percentage of your net estate. This is the remainder of your estate once all taxes, specific gifts, and the cost of administering the estate have been paid.
  • Pecuniary legacy: A fixed or lump sum of money. It is possible that inflation can decrease the value of pecuniary legacies, so it is a good idea to review your Will on a regular basis.
  • Specific gift: A gift of certain items or assets like shares, antiques, or jewellery.

Can my gift be allocated to a certain project or programme?

If you want your legacy gift to support something specific such as a student scholarship or service, a community clinic, or research area we will certainly do our absolute best to restrict your gift in line with your wishes.

What is the proper wording for leaving a gift to the UCO?

To ensure we can receive the gift you decide, whatever it may be, we ask that you use our full name, HMRC number and address:


HMRC Number X45098

275 Borough High Street



Your solicitor or professional Will writer can help get the proper wording in your Will. If the wording in the Will is not right, we might not be able to receive the gifts you have left us.

How I do get in touch with the UCO about leaving a legacy?

If you would like to have an informal chat about the options available to you, or if you would like to notify us of your intention to remember the UCO in your Will, please contact our fundraising department at or +44 (0)20 7089 5317. Our team will be delighted to speak with you in confidence and answer any queries you may have.