In addition to the research projects and publications led by UCO staff, we are also committed to disseminating the findings from high quality student research.

All the completed projects are accessible via the UCO library database and student projects that have been accepted for publication in the last three years include:


Gelli, N. and Abbey, H., (2023). “It's all about the story”. Osteopaths' experiences of exploring menopausal symptoms: A qualitative interview study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, p.100657.


Bini, P., Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D., Masullo, V., Pitt, D., Draper-Rodi, J., (2022). The effectiveness of manual and exercise therapy on headache intensity and frequency among patients with cervicogenic headache: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Chiropr Man Therap 30, 49.

Delafin, M., Ford, M. and Draper-Rodi, J., (2022). Interoceptive Sensibility in Professional Dancers Living With or Without Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37(1), pp.58-66.

Buot, A., Brownhill, K. and Lange, F., (2022). Upper trapezius muscle tonicity, assessed by palpation, relates to change in tissue oxygenation and structure as measured by Time-Domain Near Infrared Spectroscopy. In Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII (pp. 417-


Pelekanou, R. and Thomson, O.P., (2021). A blame game and sticky labels: A qualitative study of osteopaths’ experiences of managing patients with pain catastrophising. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 39, pp.1-9.

Reed, M.B. and Thomson, O.P., (2021). “Who am I to disagree?” A qualitative study of how patients interpret the consent process prior to manual therapy of the cervical spine. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 40, pp.4-13.


Casals-Gutiérrez, S and Abbey, H (2020) Interoception, mindfulness and touch: A meta-review of functional MRI studies. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 35. pp. 22-33. ISSN 1746-0689

Smith, K and Thomson, O P (2020) What do UK osteopaths view as the safest lifting posture, and how are these views influenced by their back pain beliefs? International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 37. pp. 10-16. ISSN 1746-0689

Thomson, O P and Anstiss, V (2020) The development and exploratory analysis of the Osteopaths’ Therapeutic Approaches Questionnaire (Osteo-TAQ). International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 37. pp. 17-24. ISSN 1746-0689


Inman, J and Thomson, O P (2019) Complementing or conflicting? A qualitative study of osteopaths’ perceptions of NICE low back pain and sciatica guidelines in the UK. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 31. pp. 7-14. ISSN 1746-0689

Laurin, K L and Blanchard, P D (2019) Sensitivity and specificity of the Neuropad for distal sensory peripheral neuropathy (DSPN) in subjects with HIV-Infection: A case controlled observational study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 31. pp. 1-6.


Delion, T.P.E. and Draper-Rodi, J., (2018). University College of Osteopathy students' attitudes towards psychosocial risk factors and non-specific low back pain: a qualitative study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 29, pp.41-48.

Macdonald, M., Vaucher, P. and Esteves, J.E., (2018). The beliefs and attitudes of UK registered osteopaths towards chronic pain and the management of chronic pain sufferers-a cross-sectional questionnaire based survey. International Journal of Osteopathic

Minarini, G., Ford, M. and Esteves, J., (2018). Immediate effect of T2, T5, T11 thoracic spine manipulation of asymptomatic patient on autonomic nervous system response: single-blind, parallel-arm controlled-group experiment. International Journal of Osteop

Formica, A., Thomson, O.P. and Esteves, J.E., (2018). ‘I just don't have the tools’-Italian osteopaths' attitudes and beliefs about the management of patients with chronic pain: a qualitative study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 27, pp.6-13

Bar-Zaccay, A and Bailey, D (2018) The attitudes and beliefs of UK osteopaths towards the management of low back pain: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 28. pp. 42-47.


Clarkson, H J and Thomson, O P (2017) ‘Sometimes I don't feel like an osteopath at all’- a qualitative study of final year osteopathy students' professional identities. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 26. pp. 18-27. ISSN 1746-0689

Simpson PA, Mars T & Esteves JE (2017). A systematic review of randomised controlled trials using Acceptance and commitment therapy as an intervention in the management of non-malignant, chronic pain in adults. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 24, 18-31.

Noyer, A.L., Esteves, J.E. and Thomson, O.P., (2017). Influence of perceived difficulty of cases on student osteopaths’ diagnostic reasoning: a cross sectional study. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 25, pp.1-8.


Zangoni, G., & Thomson, O. P. (2016). “I need to do another course”- Italian physiotherapists’ knowledge and beliefs when assessing psychosocial factors in patients presenting with chronic low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 27, 71–77.

Thomson, O. P., & Collyer, K. (2016). “Talking a different language” – A qualitative study on low back pain patients’ interpretation of the language used by student osteopaths. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.

Hirai, P. M., & Thomson, O. P. (2016). T4 syndrome- A distinct theoretical concept or elusive clinical entity? A case report. Journal of Bodyw.ork and Movement Therapies, 20(4), 722–727.

Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D. J., Esteves, J. E., & Thomson, O. P. (2016). Tensegrity and manual therapy practice: A qualitative study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 21, 5–18.

Pollard-Smith, T., & Thomson, O. P. (2016). Professional ballet dancers’ experience of injury and osteopathic treatment in the UK: A qualitative study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.


d'Alcalà, C.R., Webster, D.G. and Esteves, J.E., (2015). Interoception, body awareness and chronic pain: Results from a case–control study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 18(1), pp.22-32.


Brunt, H., & Abbey, H. (2014). An audit of the accuracy of medication documentation in a United Kingdom osteopathic training clinic before and after an educational intervention. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 17(2), 102–109.

Spadaccini, J. and Esteves, J.E., (2014). Intuition, analysis and reflection: an experimental study into the decision-making processes and thinking dispositions of osteopathy students. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 17(4), pp.263-271.