This notice is for shareholders, not heard from at the UCO since 2018.
To ensure the accuracy of University College of Osteopathy (UCO) records, please contact the Company Secretary to confirm that you wish to remain a shareholder.
You may have received other communication regarding this as letters and emails have been sent to shareholders last known addresses. The letters included prepaid return envelopes and a form.
The shares held include AGM voting rights and the UCO does need written confirmation (email or letter) to confirm your wish to remain a shareholder.
Replies must be received by Monday 28 February 2022. If no response is received by then, in accordance with advice from the UCO solicitors, this will be taken as confirmation that you have given a transfer notice of your share in favour of UCO as laid out under Article 16.6 of the Articles of Association.
This process is irrevocable, and your share cannot be restored after it has been transferred.
If you have any questions, then please contact, Allan Scott, UCO Company Secretary